First Day School (Sunday School)
Our First Day School program provides religious education for children from preschool through high school. We divide classrooms by age groups, and these classes meet on Sundays (aka the First Day) from 10:30 - 11:15 AM. Afterwards, the children join their families in the Meetinghouse for the last 15 minutes of Meeting for Worship.
A paid coordinator oversees the First Day School program and parent volunteers teach the classes, which are based on a curriculum guided by the principles from Quaker history, faith, and values. Some topics include The New and Old Testaments of the Bible, the history of Quakerism, the life of George Fox, Quaker process, Jesus, world religions and being a good F/friend (see an example of our First Day Program here).
Our Nursery is also always available for younger children not yet ready for the First Day School program.
We’re committed to providing the children in our community with a nurturing, safe and fun environment where they can develop and explore their spiritual lives. Our children are truly a wonderful gift to our Meeting. All of our teachers are required to undergo criminal background checks to ensure the safety of all children.
To learn more about First Day School programming, contact our coordinator at

First Day School (Sunday School)
We believe our high schoolers are old enough to decide what they would like to accomplish for the school year, and two teachers are there to help facilitate a variety of teachings. The high schoolers are an integral part of our Meeting community, helping with the holiday term, making Valentine Day Cards and serving ice cream at the end of the school year for our Ice Cream Social. Many of our Young Friends look forward to their service initiative, whether they choose to assist with making food for Salvation Army dinners or they travel to a location to serve others in need.
Young Friends Gatherings
Youth group activities for high school-aged Young Friends are regularly offered through Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM). The Young Friends Program typically holds four weekend-long gatherings throughout the year with two longer gatherings in the summer and one longer gathering in the winter. This is a great space for Young Friends to gather, learn, and meet one another from other nearby Meetings. Learn more by visiting PYM’s website.