In addition to our regular Sunday events and our various Programs, we come together to celebrate our many traditions throughout the year -- some you'll recognize while others are unique to our Quaker community. We invite the public to attend any or all of these Community Events, as they are a fun and special way to get to know us.

Second Sunday in March | 11:30 AM - 1 PM | Schoolhouse
Stone Soup
Stone Soup is a traditional and simple meal based on a book that we read in Opening Exercises and consisting of two soups: one meat and one vegetarian. For our Eating Meeting in March, instead of bringing dishes to share, we collect donations of cooked meats, vegetables, rice, beans, noodles, potatoes, tomatoes, barley, and more to create a communal soup dish. We also collect monetary donations for Right Sharing of World Resources, an independent Quaker not-for-profit organization sharing the abundance of God's love by working for equity through partnerships around the world. For more information visit
Easter Sunday | 11:30 AM - 1 PM | Brown Farm
Easter Egg Hunt
On Easter Sunday, we attend Meeting for Worship as usual while the children learn about Easter in First Day School, before heading next door to Brown Farm where the kids can partake in an Easter Egg Hunt! Our group of Young Friends prepare the eggs and hide them around the beautiful Brown Farm property, and then we let the younger children explore and find candy treasures.

First weekend in May | Camp Swatara
Camp Swatara
This Friends family weekend retreat is sponsored by Caln Quarterly Meeting and held along the beautiful Appalachian Trail in Bethel, Pennsylvania. This is a time where Quakers from our area gather together to attend seminars, go hiking, square dance, meet one another, camp, sing, and just have fun! There are also special activities and gatherings for the Young Friends. Each year focuses on a different theme, as organized by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.
Second Sunday in June | 11:30AM -1 PM | Schoolhouse & Outside
First Day School Picnic
& Ice Cream Social
This is a celebration of the end of the First Day School term, as we thank our teachers and celebrate any graduating seniors. Following Meeting for Worship, we enjoy our monthly Eating Meeting potluck and top it off with a selection of homemade sorbets and ice creams, both dairy and non-diary. This is always a well-tended event and a wonderful (and delicious way) to meet Friends!

Second Saturday in October | 9 AM - 4 PM | Schoolhouse & Meetinghouse
Friends Fall Festival
Friends Fall Festival has been a tradition at our Meetinghouse property since the 1970s, and it is our biggest community event of the year! We offer shopping in the form of quality thrifting, craft and artisanal vendors, and a silent auction. There’s always lots of delicious homemade food, including: chili and soup, hot apple cider, baked goods (with lots of gluten-free options) — all ready to eat outside or take home and share. And of course, it wouldn’t be a festival without lots of fun; we have live music throughout the day, a historical Quaker wedding reenactment, as well as lots of activities, crafts, and face painting for the kids. Be sure to visit our website later and follow us on Facebook to get all the details on this highly anticipated event!
Third Sunday in December | 6:30 - 8:30 PM | Schoolhouse & Meetinghouse
Candlelit Christmas Program
The Christmas Program takes place on the Sunday evening preceding Christmas Eve in December, and it begins with carols in the Schoolhouse. Following caroling, everyone is invited to the Meetinghouse, where we sit in silent candlelight listening to the musical concert, which features our choir, instrumental solos, and readings of traditional Christmas passages. Afterwards, we fill up on homemade sandwiches, snacks, desserts, punch, and hot apple cider in the Schoolhouse for some warm holiday cheer.