Your gift will nourish and strengthen our Downingtown Friends Meeting community,
Quaker practice, and facility stewardship.
It is much appreciated!
Your gift contributes directly to our Young Friends' Service Initiatives, such as the trip to the Lakota Sioux Reservation in South Dakota, as pictured here.
Quaker Meetings do not collect tithes, so recurring and annual gifts are essential to support the Downingtown Friends Meeting operating budget, which runs from January 1 to December 31. Our budget is substantially funded through the contributions of our members and attenders.
Ways to Give
Give online through Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM)
Make a One Time or Ongoing gift in an amount of your choosing, using PYM's secure online donation website. You will be asked to provide your name, address, and email address. You may make your gift using a credit card or directly from your bank account.
Give by mail
Make your check payable to Downingtown Friends Meeting and mail to:
Downingtown Friends Meeting
P.O. Box 854
Downingtown, PA 19335